Notpla: Observación, pase y tiro
Notpla: Observation, Passing and Shooting
Rodrigo García González
21 feb. 2025
Institución Libre de Enseñanza
— Madrid
11:00 - 12:00
Horarios de la sede
10:00 - 21:00
Institución Libre de Enseñanza
Paseo del General Martínez Campos, 14
Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez is a Designer, Architect, and Inventor. He is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Notpla, a start-up with the goal of making plastic packaging disappear. Notpla’s work has been recognised internationally, including being awarded the Earthshot Prize in 2022 by Prince William.
Personally, Rodrigo has lectured at multiple, world renowned universities. He is also part of the Jury for the Princesa de Asturias.
Notpla crea envases biodegradables y comestibles a partir de algas marinas, ofreciendo una alternativa innovadora a los plásticos de un solo uso. Su misión es sencilla: hacer desaparecer los envases. Aprovechando las propiedades naturales de las algas marinas, Notpla ha desarrollado una gama de productos sostenibles que se descomponen rápidamente en la naturaleza, sin dejar residuos.El viaje de la empresa comenzó con Ooho, una burbuja comestible para líquidos, que ganó la atención mundial en eventos como el Maratón de Londres y Roland-Garros. Basándose en este éxito, Notpla amplió su cartera para incluir revestimientos biodegradables para envases alimentarios y películas flexibles solubles o papel a base de algas para diversos usos.
Esta sesión comparte la historia de Notpla, desde los primeros días de experimentación y creación de prototipos hasta convertirse en líder de la industria del envasado sostenible. Explica cómo la empresa combina ciencia, diseño y trabajo en equipo para crear materiales que reducen los residuos e inspiran nuevas formas de pensar sobre los envases. Entre los temas abordados se incluyen los retos de ampliar una empresa emergente, el papel de la innovación en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y el impacto de su trabajo tanto en el medio ambiente como en el mercado.
Rodrigo García González, codirector general y fundador de Notpla, aporta su experiencia creativa y técnica al debate. Como diseñador, arquitecto e inventor, Rodrigo ha llevado a Notpla a ganar importantes premios como el Premio Earthshot del Príncipe Guillermo, dotado con 1.000.000 de libras, y el Gran Premio de Diseño en Cannes Lions.
La sesión también compartirá la metodología de diseño única de Rodrigo de recibir, pasar y lanzar ideas, un proceso colaborativo que ha sido clave para la capacidad de Notpla de convertir conceptos audaces en soluciones impactantes.
Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez is a Designer, Architect, and Inventor. He is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Notpla, a start-up with the goal of making plastic packaging disappear. Notpla’s work has been recognised internationally, including being awarded the Earthshot Prize in 2022 by Prince William.
Personally, Rodrigo has lectured at multiple, world renowned universities. He is also part of the Jury for the Princesa de Asturias.
Notpla creates biodegradable and edible packaging made from seaweed, offering an innovative alternative to single-use plastics. Their mission is simple: to make packaging disappear. By harnessing the natural properties of seaweed, Notpla has developed a range of sustainable products that break down quickly in nature, leaving no waste behind.
The company’s journey began with Ooho, an edible bubble for liquids, which gained global attention at events like the London Marathon and Roland-Garros. Building on this success, Notpla expanded its portfolio to include biodegradable coatings for food packaging, and flexible films that are soluble or seaweed-based paper for various uses.
This session shares the story of Notpla, from the early days of experimentation and prototyping to becoming a leader in the sustainable packaging industry. It explains how the company combines science, design, and teamwork to create materials that reduce waste and inspire new ways of thinking about packaging. Topics include the challenges of scaling a startup, the role of innovation in developing new materials, and the impact of their work on both the environment and the market.
Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez, Co-CEO and Founder of Notpla, brings his creative and technical expertise to the discussion. As a Designer, Architect, and Inventor, Rodrigo has led Notpla to win major awards like Prince William’s £1,000,000 Earthshot Prize and the Grand Prix in Design at Cannes Lions.
The session will also share Rodrigo’s unique design methodology of receiving, passing, and launching ideas—a collaborative process that has been key to Notpla’s ability to turn bold concepts into impactful solutions.