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Open Day Casa Showroom

13 feb. — 28 feb. 2025

Casa Showroom Huakal

— Madrid


El día 13 de febrero (de 10:30 a 14:30 y de 17:00 a 20:30), Huakal organiza un open day en su casa-showroom. En este evento, mostrarán por primera vez «piezas que hablan” recién llegadas de un largo viaje de su ciudad natal, México. Piezas únicas realizadas por creadores artesanos pertenecientes a la comunidad Huakal. El evento tiene lugar en un escenario diseñado por la directora creativa Amaya de Toledo, con la intervención del artista mexicano Wido Rodríguez. Situado en el corazón de la capital, este espacio combina perfectamente la arquitectura más europea con la artesanía mexicana (acceso mediante cita previa del 13 al 28 de febrero).


On February 13th (from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM and from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM), Huakal is hosting an open day at its house-showroom. During this event, they will showcase for the first time «pieces that speak,» newly arrived from a long journey from their hometown, Mexico. These are unique pieces created by artisan makers who are part of the Huakal community.

The event will take place in a setting designed by creative director Amaya de Toledo, with the collaboration of Mexican artist Wido Rodríguez. Located in the heart of the capital, this space perfectly combines European architecture with Mexican craftsmanship. (Access is by appointment from February 13th to 28th.)